Thursday, 19 April 2012

Fortuitous PLN

Sublime serendipity.  This is it... a blog post has been in edit for two weeks no.  A few revisits. Much to say about PLN- too much! (will post this soon).  How fortuitous then,  to stumble across Cain's arcade video - it really touched me. It was real. It was simple. It was good. It resonated in me the promising concept of a PLN which I had been trying to express in a post.  Nirvan (click here for his Twitter handle) the filmaker, became the instigator of Caine's PLN (in this case, his PERSONAL learning network). Via social media, Nirvan used his own PLN to gather support for this amazing kid and gave him a day to remember!

Watch here:

A PLN is there for all the right reasons (which I will post soon!) Via Ms O'Sullivan I become aware of this beautiful story about a boy, a film director and a community. An absolutely wonderful feel good story.  What does it have to with a PLN?  Quite simple. Often, the magic of a PLN is the good in helping and supporting others.  The knowledge that you can reach out to others and they will help you AND if they cannot directly help, they often will find someone that can!  In allowing yourself to accept help, be supported and help others, the education community band together.

We belong. It is what we do. We learn. We help.  

At times; others just simply articulate what you have been trying to say all along! Via Nirvan and Caine's story one can see the need to have a support network.  Like most educators, Caine LOVED what he was doing:

  • He used what resources he had available to do the best he could.
  • He innovated. 
  • He believed in himself.
  • He walked the walk!
  • He worked hard; real hard. 
  • He thought about what his customers required.
However, look what happened once a PLN arrived!  It is out there!  You just gotta grab it!

Keeping the conversation alive and feeding my addiction to learning,
Yours, Jeannette James